Thursday, June 28, 2007

Balloons and Brownies

Today was a fun day with dad. Trevor got to hang around the house a little longer than usual so he let Ellis choose what we would do together. Of course, Ellis chose to go outside. As soon as we walked outside we saw a hot air balloon right over our heads. By the time I ran inside to get the camera it had moved much further away but Ellis had also taken a front row seat for the show. I think this might be the cutest picture ever. We had a great morning.
The last few nights Trevor has been busy with a meeting or events with the students so tonight since he was home with us Ellis and I decided we should celebrate. Now to us, this meant brownies. For those of you that know Trevor I'm sure you know sweets are not the first thing that come to mind when he wants to celebrate but its the thought that counts right. Ellis ate a great dinner and then he really enjoyed the brownie mix. After his bath he got to enjoy a what a night.


Anonymous said...

Great picture of the Bug watching the hot air balloon! Looks like it was a prefect day for it!
And I absolutely LOVE the picture of Ellis with the beater full of brounie batter!! Don't know what happened to Trevor's sweet tooth... or where it went since he left home? When did this happen? (It's okay, Trevor, I just don't understand it myself having a very over used sweet tooth myself!)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

The hot air balloon picture is real cool! What did he say about the sound that it makes when the fire up the furnace...brownies...waht could be better...I have no idea!

Anonymous said...

you are teaching him such great habits!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the balloon picture! I can just picture how excited he is about it! I am surprised my dad let him lick the beater!