Saturday, June 30, 2007

Lets go swimming

This morning brought one of Ellis' better outfits. Last night we let him pick out his pj's He choose a pair of pants that of course have all kinds of balls all over them. The shirt hasn't fit him in months so we just put a t-shirt on him. Almost as soon as he got up he insisted on putting shoes on. I think he thinks that if he has shoes on he is allowed to go outside regardless what time it is.
We were all home together today so we decided to take advantage of the weather and spend some time in Ellis' pool. He absolutely loves to be outside and when you add water it is even better. Before his nap he really just played outside of the water, trying to splash our feet or pouring water down the slide. After his nap we went back out and the water had warmed up so he spent nearly all of the time in the water.
I'm not sure what this face means but this is one of his favorite spots in the back yard. I'm actually really surprised that Ellis isn't on the left and Dad is on the right. Trevor is sitting on a rock that Ellis seems to think is his own. Ellis is sitting on a post that Steve was sitting on a few days ago while he was pulling weeds. Ellis has started to tell people where he wants them to sit so usually he will sit on his rock and then scream for whoever he wants to come sit on the post.
That is Trevor's t-shirt that he has on. My belly is so big now that my own t-shirts don't fit anymore so I wore this one to bed last week and when I went in to get Ellis out of bed he laughed at me and kept pointing saying Dada Dada. I guess today he thought it was his turn. He walked around for a while and then kept tripping over it so he gave up.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Tell Ellis that Uncle MIchael is going to have a big pool for him to swim in when he gets here. And a big sandbox...AKA... the backyard. swings...lots of things to do and we have decided to take him fishing with the KS pole. Michael can't wait. I wonder what Auntie Em is planning...

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see you guys again. Has he been practicing how to say my name?

The Oakes said...

hey "anonymous" we may have to practice a little more. he isnt to good at words over 2 syllables..... why don't you start signing your comments b/c i think he could say auntie em!

Anonymous said...

Ellis is really taking after his Daddy..he used to start stripping off his clothes as soon as he walked in the door of GG's house! These are fun times!!!
(Cassie, we'd still like to see a picture of you once in a while. You look beautiful to the rest of us!)

sheltonfamily said...

Ellie also loves the baby pool only if the water is warm. It is so much easier than taking her to the pool! I am glad you all are enjoying CO! Good luck on the house hunt.

Anonymous said...

Pappy says:
I can't believe you Cassie. Are your knees sore from jumping onto that Bronco bandwagon. I will make sure that you get a proper BENGALS hat when you get here in JULY!!!! WHO DEY

Oh and we will get Ellis and LB Bengal and BEN-GALized too.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been so warm there! Looks like you are taking advantage of it. I love Ellis' face wile sitting on the post.