Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Simple Fun

I guess Ellis was looking for something to get into. He found it in the bird bath. Kelli was watering the flowers and she filled up the bird bath for him. He had a great time splashing around and filling it with rocks. I wasn't concerned at all with him getting wet but the eating of the rocks and the drinking from the bird bath were a little to much on the gross side for me so we ended up cutting the water fun outside a little short and switching to water in the tub instead.

After bath time Ellis was searching for a spoon. (I think most of you know that he has loved spoons nearly since birth.) While we were on the search I found a hair clip that I'm sure came from either Ireland, Camdyn, or Chloe but tonight we tried it on Ellis. He loved it before I got the camera. Right before I took the picture I realized that I had put it in his hair upside down so before I allowed Sarah a really good laugh I quickly switched it. (I guess I just told on myself.) Ladybug is going to have to be very patient with me on all of the girly stuff.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh My Gosh, if I didn't know better I would say that Ellis was Cassie when she was about two... The curls and the bow were jsut too much for me. So tomorrow I am in search of baby pictures to show you when you come...sometime home soon I hope! A little birdbath water never hurt anybody! yUCK!

Anonymous said...

lets hope lady bug is as pretty of a girl as Ellis. That reminded me of one time when I was watching Hayley adn Owen adn we dressed Owen like a girl. they both thought it was so funny. the pizza mand came and Hayley said meet my little sister. Tim did not think it was so funny when we told him. But the kids still talk about it.

Anonymous said...

Funny that you found that bow just now. I lost it when we were there in April! I wouldn't laugh at you...too hard! I am glad to know that someone other than the birds is enjoying the Mickey fountain!

maren said...

cassie - i found your blog through sarah's and i just have to say that he is so darn cute! i'm glad you guys are in colorado now - we'll have to hang out! :o)
~the millers (maren, jeff, and emj)