Monday, May 28, 2007

Sunday morning Morgan's mom came into our Sunday School and asked if we had our camera. Here they are again, the Irish triplets. I think all of the people watching them swing were having more fun than they were at this exact moment. Trevor and I had to peak from one of the Sunday school windows because Ellis has developed the screaming syndrome when Mommy and Daddy leave the nursery. I did happen to notice though that he shared his jacket with Morgan....such a gentalmen!
Ellis and I have developed a summer love.....Sonic chocolate milkshakes! I'm a bit greedy and made him get his own. Hopefully they have a Sonic in Longmont or I fear that Ladybug may have a low birth weight. By the way, check out those profiles, apparently a love for the finer things in life isn't the only thing Ellis has gotten from me!

Ellis really does love the swings at church but this is probably his second favorite place. Trevor and I have started calling it the cage. He loves to play in the little foyer entrance between the two doors. He usually likes them to all be shut and wants to be in there alone like it is his own little hamster cage. I know this may seem weird but Trevor and I really enjoy it because there is no way for him to get hurt in there and he can't run away from us. He just runs around in circles and checks every once in a while to make sure we are watching and clapping for him.
On Sunday night he tried to share his love for the cage with Issac. I'm not sure that Issac shared in the excitement of it all but Ellis decided to give him a kiss anyway, I guess for his effort.

This morning I decided to have one of my Aunt Raree's famous breakfasts, chocolate chip cookies and milk. I wish I could blame it on the pregnancy but I can not, and I refuse to be ashamed. After letting Ellis have his own milkshake I thought I would share with him another joy. I didn't however, consider that he may not choose to dip as I would prefer him to. It got so gross that I just gave up on the milk and it became Ellis' and Ellis' alone. He kept dipping, sucking the milk out, and then dipping again. I could only take so much.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

And you were complaining about donut holes...

Anonymous said...

what's the story with y'all moving? I didn't see that on the blog. Ladybug looks so sweet already! Congrats!

Katie R said...

You will be glad to know, Longmont has a Sonic and its on Main street not too far from LifeBridge....

Anonymous said...

these were two very good posts! I am sure that there are a view other things that we can teach him to eat for breakfast. how about Neopolitan ice cream with quick. That was always a favorite! I think he mihgt also be getting old enough to eatch soul train and learn some serious moves!