Monday, May 28, 2007


I think a few people have been disappointed that they found out that we were having a girl from my mom's blog instead of my own so I thought I would give you the proof. Well, I guess I'm not really showing the "proof" but I thought I would let her be born with a little dignity and you will just have to take my word for it. I'm not sure how well you can actually see these because I had to take a picture of a picture. I loved the foot one and remember having one very similar of Ellis. I think that you can tell that the other one is of her profile. She looks so big already and I'm definatley feeling her move around. The doctor said that according to the sono she weighs one pound and four ounces. I always feel her kick on my right side and I'm hoping that she doesn't develop a love for my right ribs as her brother did.
Also for those of you wondering what her nickname will be, Trevor had been calling her turtle for a while, which I completly objected to but one of our favorite youth sponsers here (Bill) gave us his suggestion on Sunday. We think it fits in our family wonderfully so now we have the Bug and Ladybug.
Ellis actually found a ladybug on the steps this evening after dinner. He watched it crawl around on his arm before putting it on the ground only to sit on it. Gee, I'm sure that is just a little glimpse of what is to come.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! the I guess I am going to have to find some fabric with ladybugs on it to make a quilt...hmmm, I know they make little ladybug boots...I can't wait to see her! We will have to work with Ellis a little bit on how to treat a ladybug...

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

YEAH! A boy and a girl are so fun! He will be rough as can be with her, but she'll be ok; at least I think she will be. Our little "ladybug" just turned 1 and I think she'll turn out ok. Layni's birthday party was all ladybugs - I'll put pictures up soon. But, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Cassie and Trevor! I'm so excited! For you and because I get to have a little niece to spoil rotton! (If aunt Emmy doesn't spoil her first!) I love it! Congrats!
Aunt Sarah

Miss Yvonne said...

Oh Cassie, hust wait. He won't just ist on her, draggin her around by the toes isn't out of the realm of possibility. THere is one garuntee though, he will love her very much.