Friday, April 20, 2007

A Park Day

When I was pregnant with Ellis I always wanted to go to this little restraunt in Cville named the Brick Oven. They had an awesome salad bar that I wish I could've brought with me. In this pregnancy I don't really care what restraunt it is just as long as it is a restraunt so I have been coming up with any excuse that I can. Sarah told me the other day that Red Robin had a Bday club so I quickly signed up so that I would hopefully be in time for this year. That long drawn out story just to say that my Birthday Burger was yesterday's excuse. I think Ellis had more fun than I did. From the picture it looks like he didn't like the bird but as soon as it came out his dinner was over. He wanted out of his chair and to follow it around the whole restaraunt.
This morning was so nice that Ellis and I packed up and headed to the park for the morning. When we got on the train we had to sit there for a while because we were riding with an entire kindergarten class and it took them a while to find the color car that they wanted. When the train finally started moving he got so excited saying choo choo and clapping his hands. I think he thought that all we were going to do was sit on it so the movement was quite a surprise. Of course when it was over he kept saying "more more"


Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with your post....happy birthday! (almost)

Jan AKA Wammy said...

That poor little thing...he looks like he is ready to leave tht red bird behind. Red Robin in oe of Michael's favorite places to eat. The train ride sounds like tons of fun. Love the pic of "CHOOOOOOOO" . Sounds like a great day in KS.

Anonymous said...

O'ma ........
I hope you're able to go out again on Tuesday for your actual Birthday!

It is so great that you live so close to this great park! That is such a blessing and makes for a lot of fun memories for Ellis , You and Trevor.

Anonymous said...

well all I can say is look out girls with lips like that he might be the WORST kisser EVER!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Cassie! I'd love to hear more about how the pregnancy in going...and pictures of the growing belly :)

Danielle Deane

Anonymous said...

Hey Cassie just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hope it was a great one!
much love,
Aunt Sarah

Anonymous said...

Cute Pictures