Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hanging Out With Friends

We have been having lots of fun but I haven't found the time to get to the church so that I could add of few pictues and let everyone know what we have been up to.
This is a picture of Ellis with his best bud Isaac. Trevor pushes Ellis around in the office chairs every once in a while but Isaac's big brother and I had a better idea. We turned them around and around until Isaac's mom said she thought he was dizzy. He definately was! It was hillarious to watch him try to walk after a round but they both came back for more.
Over the weekend we took the youth group ice blocking. These are two of the girls in my small group. I love their expressions. Ellis went down once or twice with dad but I think he had more fun watching. He would stand at the top of the hill and scream and clap until they made it to the bottom.
Ellis and Camdyn have been playing so well together lately. Sarah took Ellis home with her and Camdyn last night so that Trevor and I could celebrate my birthday. She said they had fun reading books together. I have noticed that Ellis seems to consider her as more of a person now that she can "crawl" around and get into stuff. She has the probably the more interesting crawl I have ever seen, but she gets places!
Today when Ellis woke up from his nap he wantedCamdyn to get in his bed with him. They stole one anothers pacis. The were laughing so hard that I hated to take them out but since Ellis slept for 4hrs!! we were already running late.


Anonymous said...


Glad the boys didn't get sick on you after their spin in the chair!

Ice blocking sounds and now (from your pictures)looks like soooo much fun! I know I would have loved that activity in my Youth Group growing up!

Say, "Hi" to Grandma Henry for me. Luv Ya a Bunch!!

Anonymous said...

Camdyn looks like she actually has some meat on her bones in these pictures! I love how much they play together...I just want to know what is going through their heads when they do.

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Isn't it so much fun when they have little friends? Ellis is going to be a great big brother!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

The pictures are great! Camdyn is looking like such a big girl. Just wait until she can walk and run just like Ellis...oh!