Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Fun Day with Dad

We went to the zoo again this week for Trevor's day off. It seemes so funny to me that Ellis actually remembered a lot of the things that we did when we went with Uncle Michael and Auntie Em and Aunt Sarah Beth. As soon as he saw this lion sculpture he ran right over to it and hopped on. The same was true when we got to the Goats and sheep, he went straight to the feeders and kept signing "help" so that we would insert the quarter and he could feed the animals. After that it was "more, more, more."

After nap time Ellis got his new lawn mower out and he and Trevor hit the yard for a little work. Don't worry we didn't let him walk beside daddy while the real mower was running this was just for the picture.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

The boy loves animals...maybe someday a dog is in the picture. Uncle Michael remembered the goats and the lion statue when he saw the pictures. The zoo was always my favorite place to take you all or anyone else who showed up at the front door.

Anonymous said...


What great pictures! Looks like the weather was perfect, too. While I was in Lexington this week, TD mowed their lawn and a couple hours later it poured down rain! Poor Baxter, got soaked!!!! We were out eating at "Chilies" (Henry's choice .. because he could order Mac 'n Cheese) when the rain hit!

sheltonfamily said...

The zoo sounds like so much fun... They do have a good memory huh? How are you feeling? When are you due? The mower looks like alot of fun. It is so great that you have a fenced in back yard. We would love that! Hope you have a good weekend.