Monday, March 19, 2007

We had a fun morning with Trevor on Sunday and then Ellis took a quick nap before we went to see them off. We were probably about a half an hour behind then on our way to the airport to pick up the crew. When Michael got off of the plane the first thing that he said to me was "look Cassie we brought Sarah Beth with us she is from WV".

Ellis has his own personal playmate while Michael is here. He loves to be pushed around the house on his truck.

Sunday we went to church and then in the afternoon Michael intoduced Ellis to doritos and Emmy and Sarah Beth introduced him to the steps. He fell down the front steps on their watch and now has a bump just above where the one from last week was.

Today we went to the zoo. In the rain forest Ellis chased this bird around until it showed him the capabilities of its wing span.

The bald eagle is to show mom they do live outside of WI.

Aunt Sarah Beth is a sucker and kept passing out the quarters for the boys to feed the goats. Ellis loved this one.

Bet you can't guess what state this is. His favorite is Texas, but this is his 2nd favorite.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

It looks like great fun. Please take lots more pictures and be sure to remember all the funny things that happen and all the funny thing that are said. I know what state it is....WV! Wish I was there!!! I know why you took the gorilla picture and the comment about the eagles wasn't funny you two. WE DID see eagles in WI...a whole family of them. Looks like Michael is going to have a hard time back at Mom's Boot Camp...Doritoes...I know he thinks he is in heaven.

Miss Yvonne said...

But in wisconsin bald eagles are free not in cages.