Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Day in the Life

Sunday was kind of a hard day for Ellis. This was the first time that the time change really affected him. He was grumpy most of the day and both the morning and night nursery workers said he would grab his paci and blanket and just lay down in the floor. When we put him to bed that evening he screamed for almost an hour on and off until he just gave in so on Monday we decided to really wear him out so he would go down without a fight. Most of the morning you could find him roaming the yard. He played with his ball in the backyard for a while and then "helped" Daddy trim the bushes.

He took a long afternoon nap and when he woke up he was ready to eat. We (Trevor and I) had hamburgers but Ellis pretty much had ketchup. It has become his new love. If you are having a hard time getting him to eat something just give him a little ketchup to dip it in. We have discovered one problem with his love of ketchup, when he signs "please" can I have more. The sign for please is dragging your hand across your chest. I think that you can see from the picture that he has become pretty good at saying please but the ketchup was all over his shirt!

After dinner we made a "Happy Monday" trip to Baskin Robbins for a dip of... you guessed it peanut butter and chocolate. I think my mom has a picture of me with the same leftovers all over my face and I know that it won't be over anytime soon because I've also seen a picture of Emmy and I with Aunt Raree after a trip for some ice cream. We were three and we still had it smeared all over our faces. I have learned to measure how much fun Ellis has had in a day by what is caked onto his shirt.

Bath time couldn't have come to soon after that kind of a day. Whenever we run out of clean baby towels we use his robe. We have never actually put his arms in it before but he was in a good mood so I thought it would be cute. He thought it was so funny because I could not stop laughing. I think the robe is a little to small for him so when he turned around his little bum just barely peeked from underneath as he waddled down the hall. He did go to bed like very well that night although I was having my doubts when we sat down in the rocker. I was begining to think that he had restless leg syndrome or something but as soon as I layed him down he went right to sleep.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

The trimmed bushes look really good. I thnk maybe a few long planters on the legde of the porch or some hanging ferns. Then maybe two wiskey barrels at the bottom of the steps filled with flowers....I could go on for days. But you grass looks better than ours.
Love the ketchup. Ellis and Michael will get along famously...he loves ketchup on just about everything also. But remember that Bryce 'hasn't had ketchup in years."
I'm sure that you will be making a Tues run to B-R for dollar ice cream next week...Michael's favorite is chocolate...don't you love it...
I want to see a pic of the little bum going down the hall. I can't wait to see him walk. I think I will send Emmy with the video camera. Three more days!

Anonymous said...

ellis is getting so BIG! (my bubba is too :) i need some advice on cutting out the morning nap! he's so messed up from the time change...,he started sleeping 3 hours in the morning and taking no afternoon nap (aagghh!) so i tried to skip the a.m. today but he fell asleep in the car then slept only 1 hour & no p.m. nap!