Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Trains and BBQ.....Chicken

This is a picture I took just after my last post. When I was finished Sarah Beth got on the internet for a little while and Emmy, Michael, Ellis and I had a team obstacle course in the church play yard. Emmy wasn't to excited about participating but as you can see in the picture her attitude turned right around when her team won. She and Michael were so excited over their victory that they did a little dance.
Tuesday was mostly a hang around the house day becasue it rained most of the day. In the morning Em and I loaded up the kids and made a little trip to the train store and Target. You can see that we didn't spend much time at Target (just enough to get a snack) and then we spent most of the time (and money) at the train store. Michael got a new train shirt and two new cars for his train. I'm sure he could tell you all about them but this is my attempt. One is a tanker for Ashland Oil, which he knows is close to where Mam, Pap, Peep, and Sarah Beth live. The other is a gondola, box car, and caboose all in one.
Tuesday night was probably the highlight of my week so far. Michael had been bugging Emmy to make him a stage all day and so she had finally had enough after dinner and she hung a sheet over the doorway from the living room to dining room. And then it all began!!!! Michael started giving orders and he put us all to work. He knew right away the Sarah Beth was going to be the princess and he told me that I would be the prince but I was quickly kicked out so that I could, in his words "sit on the couch and watch and eat lots of good snacks" Emmy then became the dragon that would attack the princess only to be saved by Michael the knight. I'm not sure who had the better outfit, Sarah in the tube top skirt, Emmy with blanket tucked in her rear and dumb hat on, or Michael with his cardboard mask and sword. I have to say I'm glad that I was just the costume designer/videographer. If you are wondering Emmy the dragon is standing in front of the castle with a make shift flag from the heating pad cover.
Today around 3 the weather turned pretty but still windy. We played outside for about an hour until Sarah picked up Camdyn and then we decided to go to the train park before dinner. We have all been pleasently surprised about how layed back Michael has been about the train not running yet. He is taking it in stride and had fun today teaching Ellis what all of the levers were in this toy train.

Michael has had a lot of request for his field trip to KS but Emmy had only two, she wanted to eat Barbaque and go to Baskin Robins. Today was her day. She said that she had seen a show on the food network with dad that said that this was one of the best places to get BBQ so she wanted to try. Once we had asked the waiter's advice and ordered she asked me if they were going to come on a bun. I said I don't know what you ordered but mine is. She seemed okay with that. When our food came Sarah and I had the traditional BBQ sandwich, cole slaw, baked beans and fries.....on Emmy's plate, garden salad and a peice of grilled chicken!! I was cracking up "Why did you order grilled chicken. I thought you wanted BBQ" I said. She replied that she liked what she had ordered and that she was worried that she was going to get what I got because she doesn't like shredded meat on a bun. What??? After dinner it was pink spoons for everyone. Sarah Beth had choclate fudge, Michael had chocolate with sprinkles, Ellis and I had chocolate and peanut butter and Emmy had pralines and cream. We are all stuffed! We weren't two blocks down the road toward home and Michael says, "What's for lunch?" Emmy said we just had dinner, we aren't eating again until tomorrow and Michael replies, "okay, how about cookies?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi cassie marie...i LOVE seeing these pictures of you 3 girls together. (yes, you're still girls to me!) i'm so glad that you're getting this time with each other. more pictures please!!