Sunday, March 11, 2007

busy and beautiful weekend

It has been so pretty here that there have been a few days that we could open the windows. Ellis invented a new game to play with Daddy while he is working at the grill.

I have been keeping a bib on Camdyn when she is at our house and Ellis seems to want to study them. One day I put one on him just to see what he would do and he sat down next to her as if to say "okay we are ready for our picture"

We went back to the duck pond this weekend and he liked the ducks a little more this time but the interest didn't last long because he saw squirrels. I know this is a darling picture of me but I was unaware that the camera was on me.

Trevor had brought peanuts with him and the squirrels must have thought they were in heaven. They let Ellis get so close to them that I was getting afraid that one of them may pounce on him.

These last two shots are of the highlight of Trevor's weeked. He took the youth group Thrift store bowling. They partnered up and bought "outfits" for each other and then went bowling. These two boys were my personal favorite. Trevor's outfit was a few sizes too small, pink ladies pjs.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Ihave to say that Thrift Store Bowling is awesome! I was watching TV...some Trya Banks thing and they sent models into a Thrift store and told them to shop. They did not know that they were going to give a runway fashion show . It was great! I think Emmy and Sarah would do wonderfully with anything having to do with a Thrift Store.

sheltonfamily said...

We love the bowling pics... It made us laugh seeing Trevor. Has the Macbook came yet? Ellis looks so grown up.. Ellie loves being outside as well... It has been pretty here like Kansas! We are taking our Middle School students to the beach this weekend for a retreat! The joys of the East Coast! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

how fun I can not wait till nxt week!!!!