Sunday, January 28, 2007

Baby Dedication

I know these aren't great shots but you get the idea right. Today was baby dedication Sunday at chuch and my camera ran out of battery!! I think that Sarah forgot her camera so we gave mine to her mother-in-law and warned her that she may only get a few. Ellis did pretty good considering it was at the end of the service (nap time). He just missed the service that they had last year. I think that we were actually interviewing so he was included this year and of course was the oldest. He didn't quite get that he was supposed to stay put and just wanted to walk around. Camdyn ended up getting sick of her mom and dad too so they sat her on the floor. Ellis got down and got up in her face and kept waving and saying hi over and over again. They asked Trevor as a minister's son what was he going to do for his own minister's son to make sure that he didn't stray. Trevor said that he hadn't thought that far ahead he was just concentrating on keeping him alive for another year.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

Oh, the joys of parenthood once again. Of course Ellis wantd to get down...don't you all realize that he runs the show! When he gets in youth group he will already know all the great places to hide when playing sardines. Good answer Trevor...stayin' alive! Cassie, in one picture you and Emmy actually look like twins. It is actually the first picture since you all were babies that I think you look alike. I'll get a copy and send to Mamaw and see if she thinks it looks like Emmy.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you are going to get some help from the church family in raising that boy of yours because from the rumors I hear he is a little "Hellian"

I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

I guess what mom was trying to tell you is that you look really pretty in one of the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Man Cas...light green is really your color!!! I love that shirt you were look great...and almost as pretty as Emmy (as mom and anonymos say!)
(I'm hoping I can suck up to Emmy enough so she will take me to get a homecoming dress this wekend!) SO i'M AN ANGEL WHEN SHE IS AROUND!!)