Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ellis and I found Trevor's harmonica the other day and I've been playing it for him so that he could dance. When Trevor was off on Monday we thought that we should give
Ellis a try. I hadn't thought that he would be able to do it but as soon as we showed him where to blow he had it all figured out.

We are back to major teething. His 1yr. molars have broken through so now I think we are only waiting for the top two that have been swollen for a few weeks now. Yesterday afternoon was so rough that Trevor brought some popsicles home and he had one during bath time.

I think I have done a good job at stressing dental health because as soon as he was finished he was doing his sign for toothbrush. He puts his fist to his mouth and shakes it while making a chchchchchch sound. I think the sound comes from an old Raffi song that I learned when I was little. "When you wake up in the morning its a quarter to 8 you brush your teeth chchchch chchch chchchchchch."


Anonymous said...

I love the popcicles in the bathtub! What smart parents you are. I love the music! And I knew all those hours of Raffi would benefit someone someday...I might still have a few cassettes...but what to play them on? And not to be out done...Michael had a perminate toothe coming in behind his baby tooth. That tooth was loose but now snug as a bug in a rug.

Anonymous said...

Michael wants to know if you have made any "snowmans". Cassie, I love you. Big John needs a bigger sled. Ellis, do you love your big drums?

Anonymous said...

I now feel your pain of teeth coming in! Wednesday night Camdyn slept horrible and low and behold she now has a tooth poking through a little...yeah! I am sure Ellis loved the popsicle and forgot all about the hurt teeth! :o)

Anonymous said...

that picture of him i the bath tub with the popcicle looks like one of those dog stuffed animals that has the big faces I think it is so funny