Friday, January 26, 2007

He thinks he is so big

We get to church a little early on Wednesday nights in hopes to catch Trevor a little early so we can have a little daddy time before he practices with the band. Lately Ellis has been drawn to the drums. I guess you could say he has graduated from the step and plastic kid drum to the real thing.

Trevor had just showed him the cymbal.

Ellis has gotten really good at doing the sign for "more" when he wants more to eat and he even ocassionally does the sign for "cup". We are trying to teach him "again" so we have been pulling him around on the wood floors on a blanket and then we stop and say again while doing the sign in hopes that he will catch on but so far all he does is wrap himself up in the blanket and then look at you and whine.

Trevor and I were putting away the groceries in the kitchen and I asked Trevor to peek and check on Ellis. He started cracking up laughing saying get the camera, get the camera. I grabbed the cup and told Ellis that he didn't have to tip it because this cup had a straw. Trevor replied "he did it fine earlier in the car." I said "oh you gave it to him in the car" in a stern voice. His lame reply was "yeah the other day when it had water in it." Someone out there please help me explain this to him. Even Ellis refusing to eat dinner tonight unless he had the enormous empty Wendys cup on his tray does not get the point across.
I, on the other hand, am teaching my son about some of the finer things in life, like the laundry chute. He loves to help me throw things down and then watch where they go. I'm hoping that as long as I keep acting like it is a privelage for him he will be fooled into it in his teenage years. I know that it is a little far fetched but there is always hope!


Jan AKA Wammy said...

I know what I am getting Ellis the next time O come to Kansas....a big old drum set complete with all the noise makrs I can buy. I love it that he helps in the kitchen! And the blanket game takes me back. I can remember when Michael would putt Trevor and Christapher around in the kitchen. They all three would jsut kackle.

Anonymous said...

sahoot24t24Now it is morning and I have had a good nights the looks of the last entry...I must have been really tired! Or as Emmy would say..."Mom must have been on drugs." Anyway I think the helping out is great. Michael and I made monkey bread this morning. He stirred the sugar, cinnamon and butter. I even let him use a real knife to cut one can of biscuits. He loves to cook...must be taking after...hmmmm...we have a lot of cookers in the family.

Miss Yvonne said...

Enjoy the help now Cassie. I remember when Kyle, Hannah and DJ were little and they loved to help. Now it takes a bit of cajolling to get the teenagers out of bed and taking care of their own clothes. They know now that if they don't get their clothes in the wash, they have to do their own wash.

Anonymous said...

mom I think it is that you have been hitting the bottle! Cassie, well at least we know he is an Ellis, so clean and helpful, well ok I guess there is only one that is clean and tidy... uncle terry! well now just make sure he is not too much like uncle terry... wanting an african grey parrot and I am NOT going to any bird shows!!!!!