Saturday, December 02, 2006

New Tricks

There are two new fun games at our house. This one is all about climbing, well I guess the other one is too. Anyway, in this game Ellis takes a small object like a paci or a block with him as he climbs into this chair and stands up. He then throws the object behind the chair, gets down, retrieves the object and does it all over again. The other game I took movies of because it is so funny so I'm sorry I can't share those here but I will just tell you about it. After bath time it has become a ritual at our house to play in his room naked for a while. We started this when he had a bad diaper rash and wanted to let it air out for a while but it was so fun that we just continued! In this game Ellis attempts to climb into his bed.....he is very near to being able. Once he is in he throws everything, mainly pacis out at Trevor and I. The kid has an arm! We throw all of them back in and the game could last for hours. If it happens to be a really good throw you may also hear a squeal of glee!
Ellis got this really cool dump truck thing for his birthday from my peepaw that is going to help him learn to walk. We are waiting for it to get here so in the mean time we borrowed an old one from the church. He loves it! I can't wait until we get the truck. Yesterday he figured out how to turn it when he ran into something. This was huge because before he would just stand there and scream until someone would move whatever was blocking his path.

When he is sick he can be quite the picky eater but Trevor found the perfect thing for them to share for lunch today. Ellis love dsharing daddy's pizza.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Ellis that all of his gifts are on their way...I like the new games! Hope we get to play some at Christmas.