Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Pink Eyes

We made it to the doctor's office yesterday. Ellis now weighs 20lbs. which is still 25%. I can't remember how tall he is but he is in the 75%. He has 4 more teeth coming in. She said that everything looked good and he is growing great. He did get 5 shots so I felt bad for him when we got home and gave Trevor the little bit of ice cream that we had left so Ellis could have a treat.
As you can see from the picture Trevor definately has pink eye and right now I'm waiting for a call back from the nurse to see if I can get a script for Ellis because I think he is joining the club!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No wonder he has that slick stuff under his nose...poor thing...hope you have the pain reliever on hand tonight...and a few ice packs. :(