Monday, December 04, 2006

You Brush Your Teeth

When we went to the doctor last week she said the Ellis should start brushing his teeth so we picked him up his first toothbrush at the grocery store yesterday. It is Dr. Seuss and he loves to chew on it. He let me brush for maybe a few seconds but that was it. I guess Trevor must have had Dorito Cheesy breath becasue he was very interested in brushing Daddy's teeth.
He is still fighting his cold. We stayed home from church yesterday so that we wouldn't get all of his buddies sick. I think that yesterday and today have been the worst so far. He slept 14 hrs. last night but he is unable to sleep at all during the day. He coughs and that wakes himself up. He did sleep sitting up on me yesterday for about an hour but that isn't anything like the naps that he usually has. He is so fussy that I'm having a hard time figuring out what is bothering him. Is it more the sickness, the teeth, or the pink eye? I feel so bad for him. I hate wiping his nose and his eyes because he hates it so much but I know that it is better for him.


Anonymous said...

Poor Punkin. You better get him well before he makes the Christmas trip to Gammy's. I think Michael might be having sympathy pains for Ellis. He is now in bed snuffing and complaining. Could be a long night for us also.

Anonymous said...

i love this kid! miss ya cas....

p.s. this is're favorite cousin...haha