Thursday, December 21, 2006

New Tricks and Old Friends

Ellis is really starting to want to do more and more of the things that Trevor does. It is funny how he already realizes that he is a boy and so is daddy. He loves Trevor's hats and likes to put them on his own head. He will steal it from Trevor put it on himself and then look up and laugh. He has also really started to like music in the last few weeks. He loves to "dance" and always looks up to see if somone wants to dance with him. Yesterday he crawled over to the cd player by the Christmas tree and kept hitting it until I turned his music on. I walked away and a few minutes later looked over and he was standing at the window watching the rain, shaking his little booty to The Erie Canal.

We have had a busy week getting ready for Christmas and enjoying many parties to celebrate the season. Last Sunday we stayed at church all day. After the service we ate lunch, Ellis took a short nap in the nursery, and then we went to the Angel Tree party followed by the Children's Musical "Joyland". One of the girls in the youth group brought her new dog to the show and Ellis wanted to play with the dog more than he wanted to listen to the music. He loves animals and has started to bark when you ask him what a dog says. He is still a little confused about cats though, because he thinks that they bark too. Our neighbor's cat walked by our window this morning and Ellis started clapping and barking. I guess we will have to work on meowing now.
We are taking a big step this week and dropping Ellis' morning nap. Some days are harder than others but it seems to be working as long as we keep him busy. We have been to the library, shopping, and on errands for the last few days just to get out of the house when he starts getting tired a little to early. The other day Trevor was watching Ellis for a little while and apparently they were running out options so Trevor just pushed him around the house in the stroller.
Today we had a huge help in the dropping of the nap, her name is Ellie. She is an old buddy from Charlottesville and she came over to hang out with us and play for a while. She and her parents are actually here to spend Christmas with her grandparents but we love that they live so close because a trip to grandma's house also means a trip to see us! We actually got to go out with Mike and Holly last night for dinner but they came back today so that the kids could see each other. It was so fun to watch them. They shared toys, danced, ate Life cereal together and apparently while the moms were off getting lunch Ellis showed Ellie his favorite game of "throw stuff out of my bed". It was so good to see them and now that they are moving to Raliegh we hope to see them more often because we may be able to see them when we visit Trevor's brother Jeff who is also in NC.


Anonymous said...

What a ladies man showing her all of his tricks!

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that Ellis takes his dancing moves from Emmy and Sarah...if I remember right Cassie..?..dancing? I know where Cassie gets all her moves ;)
Michael got real excited when he saw the dog thinnking Ellis was going to bring it here for Christmas.
Do you thik Ellie's parents would let her stay for just awhile longer to help Ellis thru the transition?

Anonymous said...

In the picture of the two of them on the couch, Ellis looks so old! I am glad you guys were able to hang out with your old friends! It's so fun to do that...we'll all have to hang out again when Christmas is done! Hope you have a safe trip to see your family!

Anonymous said...

I am not to sure I like the progression of this blog. We have ellis and Ellie sitting politely on the couch as though on a first date, then it progress to lunch, still cordial, but I am ashamed to see Ellis moving ellie to his bed. Sorry folks.

Anonymous said...

hey guys its mike and holly shelton, we loved your blog about ellie!!! we are so honored to be on your blog. we got a new digital camera! it's a black sony cybershot. it rocks. you guys rock. we already miss you. you guys are so fun!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

as ellie's father, i will have you know nothing inappropriate happened with our kids. they are prudent kids who love Jesus with all their hearts.