Saturday, December 23, 2006

He just makes me laugh. He was kissing his kitty cat over and over until we finally said "oh are you kissing the kitty"

Today's activity to skip the nap was finishing up the Christmas shopping. He did really well, ate a huge lunch, (we think he is growing) and then when we were in Old Navy they gave him these antlers and he left them on the whole time we were in the mall!

The other day one of the girls in my small girl and her mom brought us over this basket filled with goodies. It was an awesome surprise and really fun because we got to keep the container which I put under the front window with a blanket and magazines in it. Apparently Ellis doesn't like the spot that I chose because he can't stand there and see out anymore. Today he got a little stuck.

Tomorrow we will spend the day at church and then we fly out on Christmas Day to go to Trevor's parent's house for a few days and then to my parents. It may be a few days before I post again but I will be sure to take lots of pictures to update you on our return. Merry Christmas Everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hope you guys have fun! I know it's so great to spend time with family! Merry Christmas!

The Ellis' said...

Hope I get to see your family sometime this Christmas season if not we love you guys and I have enjoyed trying to read through your blogs. Hopefully now I can keep up on a daily basis or so.

Hope Santa is good to ELLIS looking forward to see the rest of your family. Lisa is starting to prepare the feast as we speak.

Love looking at all the pictures what a gift to give ELLIS when he gets older.