Saturday, December 16, 2006

Just The Boys

Ellis spent the yesterday afternoon with Daddy. I took my small group of girls to kmart to do some gift wrapping. As I was leaving Ellis took a nose dive down a few steps.

This morning we went to a volleyball game. Ellishad tons of fun becasue it was his buddy Isaac's sisters game. They played in the stands and tried to steal the run away balls. I loved this picture because his ears were sticking out like his uncle Bryce's.


Anonymous said...

It still must be warm in Kansas. Love the John Deer shirt and the hat! I thought it was Jimmy has had the ears?

valurena said...

Hey Cassie! Ellis is such a cutie! How old is he? Thanks for noticing my blog! I didn't want to feel lame and make up a blog and nobody post. That's embarrassing! Lucas is 3 1/2 yrs old and it still amazes me I am a mom! scary scary ... you look like a natural.