Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Feet

This is just a little update. We haven't been up to much at home, just enjoying being healthy again. Ellis got his new shoes in the mail a few days ago and I think they are going to be great. My parents got them for him for his birthday. They are like little mocassins and they are much better than socks because they don't sllip but not as hard as having shoes on all of the time. I noticed that he is now able to go up the stairs without stopping. Kinda like when they walk up stairs and learn to alternate feet. I don't know if this is a developmental stage but I did notice it anyway. One more cool thing....I'm not sure if there is anyone out there that is not on my mom's mailing list but just in case you aren't she has started her own blog. I guess I have inspired her. I have a link to her page to the right just above all of the titles of my posts. The other link is to our Children's Ministers page. I have told you all about Camdyn before. Her mom Sarah writes about her too!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! How fun to have links to our do you that? Pretty soon I bet our blogs have a lot of the same pictures when they get to play together all of the time!

Jan AKA Wammy said...

The shoes sound like they are great. And he looks so good in them. "They coordinate with his hair..." If he is doing so great on your stairs, can't wait to see how long it takes him to get up ours. This Christmas should be fun.