Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Fun

It has been almost a year that we have lived in Topeka and we finally got a picture of the 'Irish triplets" yesterday. Isaac, Ellis, and Morgan were all born in November last year within 8 days of each other and they now rule the church nursery. I have to say though that Morgan has made her role known. She is the teacher and instructor, the only problem is the boys aren't listening. She has been walking for months now and Isacc's mom and I joke that the boys are having a competion to see who can walk last!
We left early this morning to make our Christmas trip to Indy. Ellis wore his santa hat for the occasion. He is a great traveler. The first flight he flirted with the lady behind us and then when we stopped, he ate and started his afternoon nap in my arms. We couldn't believe it, he slept the hour that we sat waiting for our plane and then the whole next flight, and didn't wake up until I passed him to Trevor as we were walking to get our luggage.
We are at Trevor's parents house now and Ellis is loving the piano. We walks over there to play despite all of the toys that we brought over from the church for him to play with.

The knot is so big that you should be able to see it in the picture, he has quite the shinner. He was walking around their table and decided he would try to climb their chairs like he does at home. No one got there fast enough and Ellis was on the floor with the chair on top of him. Now he has a Christmas battle wound.

1 comment:

Oma and Opa said...

It is great to hear Ellis and Aria play the piano. Maybe Ellis will make up songs to sing like Aria does. Today she sang us the Ellis song, the Meira song, the Daddy song and the Aria song. Too cute! Ellis is so much fun to have around! He does put a smile on my face!
We felt so bad that Ellis got an owie at are house practically the minute he got here! I'm glad he's too young to remember so he won't hold it against us!