Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Day of Fun with the Fam.

Ellis slept great in the cave. T.D. and Jen have a guest room in their basement that doesn't have any windows and it may be our favorite place to sleep.....ever. I think that if we hadn't been offered it in the first place we probably would have fought for it. Yesterday morning we mostly just hung out for a while and played with the kids. The ladies went to the grocery store to get the turkey and lots of other necessities while the guys stayed home and put kids down for naps. Trevor said that the whole time we were gone Ellis spent in Baxter's kennel. He loves crawling in and out and pullling himself up on the cage.
Once all of the naps were over we hurried to the cars to go to the park to try to beat the sun for some play time.
As you can see we didn't really beat the sun but the kids had fun anyway. It was so cold that we didn't actually stay that long.
We all know that it was the Grinch that stole Christmas but some of you may not know who stole Thanksgiving. Its a stupid game called Line Rider that T.D. has introduced all of the guys to. The game has no point but they sit for hours upon end aimlessly staring at their computers forgetting that the family that they rarely see is sitting amongst them.
After dinner Trevor was giving Ellis a bath and when I walked in Henry and Aria were both nearly in the tub themselves. We asked their moms if they could get in too. At the time Mayzee was all wrapped up in some fairy tale story that involved her, I'm sure, riding away with her prince charming on a white horse into happy ever after but she heard all of the commotion and had to join in on the fun.


Jan AKA Wammy said...

And I thought that a babybed in the laundry room was awful.....

Anonymous said...

There will come a time when you want to put him in that cage and lock it. When that time comes just send him to me!! I've got a wonderful place reserved for him by the washer and dryer.


The Oakes said...

maybe I should clear a few things up.....Ellis Trevor and I are sleeping in "the cave".....Ellis is not sleeping in the dog cage, just playing in it!!