Thursday, November 23, 2006

Good Choices

We went for a family walk yesterday just to get out of the house after nap time. Everyone was getting a little restless especailly the little ones. The only problem was we kinda had a hard time sticking together. Mayzee rode her bike, Ellis was in his stroller, and Aria was walking.

Jen has charts on the kids doors to help them see if they have made good decisions throughout the day and obeyed their parents. If they have not they loose a privilege. We were all getting a little sick of Line Rider of the boys computer so while T.D. ran to work we made him his one chart for the front door and took his computer privileges away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the weather in KY is good but a little cold, We had a warm beautiful night after yet another Thanksgiving dinner. Michael chose Happy Feet for after dinner fun.
Poor TD...he had better get his act together.