Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I think it's ashame that these pictures are the only way that Ellis will be able to remember this birthday because it's going to be hard for the others to live up to this one. I think just about every member of his family and friends celebrated with him.
Ellis had lunch with his great grandparents and about scared them to death. I guess I should have warned them how much he liked BP&J. He was shoveling it in as fast as he could and storing what he couldn't chew in his jaws like a chipmunk. After lunch Ellis went down for a nap and after picking up Trevor we went for a quick trip to the Gap Clearance Center (a trip to Cincy just isn't a trip unless you hit the outlet). We were there long enough to catch Trevor's brothers, their wives, and kids coming in to do a little shopping themselves. We made it home to see Karen and Doug making their way up the driveway.
Birthday dinner was awesome! Mom and Dad made ribs, bread, a huge salad, Saratoga chips, and of course the world famous Montgomery Inn rib sauce. Let me say it again, it was so good. I guess the adults were taking to long to eat because Michael and Henry came in every few seconds to see if the Lightning McQueen cake was out yet. When we finally did get the cake out Ellis was again not interested very much, instead he enjoyed 5 or 6 of my brothers girlfriend Tini's star cookies throughout the day. After cake Mayzee, Henry, and Michael helped Ellis open his presents, most of which will be shopped to us later in the week and it will seem like another birthday party.
Before we left for Lexington we made sure to get a few pictures. Mam and Pap got a bib for Ellis that said I'm thankful for my family so we made sure to get a picture with them. Bryce complains that he is never on the blog so I gave Ellis to him to get a picture and boy did I get a good one. It really looks like Bryce wanted to be on it huh! I took the picture of Emmy and T.D. for a few reasons. One, because I wanted to hear Emmy's "anonymous" comments and two, because T.D. kept saying "Cassie, get that picture, that will be great for the blog" Ellis slept the whole way to Jen and T.D.'s house and today seems very happy other than his cold. Thanksgiving number two here we come


Anonymous said...

Okay, I know I never add comments, but I have one question... Where is Aunt Sarah, cuz I do believe I was at that party... and everyone else is on there except for me... and I don't think I have ever been on there! What is up with that? Am I not photogenic or something? Or are you embarassed to have me as a sister? Huh?

The Oakes said...

Check July 10th.....he is sitting on the swing, one of his favorite spots to hang out in the summer time with his favorite aunt sarah. By the way....if you start adding more comments i will know that you are reading and keep adding pics of you!!! love ya girl,

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling really lonely and there is no noise in the house...can you all come back?

Anonymous said...

ok well that bryce guy looks miserable it must be because that chick he was married to earlier this summer you know the onw that looks like she needs lypo in her face is now either dating or married to that new guy TD. Oh I know that you guys are from West Virginia so I am jsut gonna ask it are they related because they look alot alike and are smiling the same.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Where is sarrah? I don't see much of Mark either, was he there? I'll bet grammy is wishing for the whole house filled again and is going crazy with all the quite!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cas!!! Well... I will start leaving MORE comments!

Anonymous said...

What a Birthday. I think we are all wondering what to do to top it. Thanks to all who came and can't wait to have you all back again in about 10 years or so.
Just Kidding. Happy Thanksgiving and can't wait till Christmas!!
