Sunday, November 19, 2006

Birthday and Thanksgiving

It was very easy to tell that Michael had woken up this morning. From his bed to the kitchen he yelled "birthday day, birthday day" in quick succession. Today was Thanksgiving with my extended family and we snuck a little birthday in there too becasue most of them won't be able to stick around for his party tomorrow. Michael was so excited. We did most of the decorating while Ellis was down for his first nap. Michael had decided a long time ago that Ellis should have a Thomas cake for this party and that they would both dress as train engineers.

The food was awesome. I had no idea that Ellis would est so much. He love the stuffing. After the huge meal we opened present. He got some bath tub toys, a bunch of balls, clothes, a walking toy, a dog that plays music and sings, a Steelers outfit ( I hope Trevor lets him wear it), bubbles, a pull toy that makes animal sounds....and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. I was surprised how interested in opening things he was. Every new thing he wanted to play with right away. When we all sang Happy Birthday to him he grinned really big and laughed a little too. He surprised me again when we put his cake in front of him. At first he just looked at it and when he did finally touch it he acted as if it annoyed him that he had gotten his finger dirty, swing his hand really hard in an attempt to get the icing off. After everyone stopped watching he dug into the icing. His whole face was red. He looked like he had gotten into my makeup bag and had a little fun with lipstick. He never did eat any of the cake part, just enjoyed the icing.
It is now 5:30 and he is acting like he is ready for bed already. I guess all of these parties are really getting to him. Hopefully he can hold on for one more with the Oakes.
The conference finishes off tomorrow and then we will have a dinner party with Oma and Opa and all of his cousins and Oakes aunts and uncles. We can't wait to see them!!

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