Sunday, October 01, 2006

This is something new we have been doing at our house. He starts off at the rounded part of the lowest step and then inches himself the end. The first few times I sat there with him to catch him but Trevor gave me a taste of my own medicine and told me that he is going to have to learn that he will fall sometime so he put the blanket on the bottom to break the fall a little bit and we sat on the couch and watched. It only took him about 3 or 4 tumbles to figure out that if he kept his head up it wouldn't hurt so bad. I took these shots to show you the natural progression of things. This same night Trevor took a video of him while I was making dinner. It is so funny. I wish I could post it on here too!

We were hanging out in the nursery one day, waiting for something to start I'm sure and Ellis was making the funniest faces. The one where he looks like a fish also comes with a weird noise and then there are a few here where you can see his teeth. I loved the one where he is standing up with his hands one over the other. I think it looks like my 1st grade picture except there was a lot more space between my 2 front teeth! The last shot is him on his new favorite toy in the nursery. He hasn't figured out how to make it go forward yet but he can sure go backwards!


Anonymous said...

He'll figure out those steps sooner than later. Remember...He'll only do it until he figures out that the fall will hurt.

His hair is gettng so long...little curls I see? No, he doesn't look too much like his mommma. And all those't wait until Nov.

Anonymous said...

Those faces crack me up.

Anonymous said...

the one picture looks like it would be a preschool class picture kinda like ours with the bibles. maybe he needs a monogrammed sweater with his initials.