Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"I Can Do It"

We have been having a hard time getting Ellis to eat anything for the last few days. He is wanting to be so independant that he will not eat it unless he can do it himself, this is great but there a lot of things that just will not stick to his fork when he flings it around a few times before bringing it to his mouth. We have had spaghetti, green beans, bananas and a lot of other stuff all over the place. We just about gave up last night when I decided to just hand him a homemade (Hansen) roll. He loved it!!! Trevor and I were just nervous that his bites were to big.

Trevor's car had been giving us problems for about 2 weeks so on his day off he put in a new battery. He kept saying "I fixed my car, I should call Jeff Marshall" Ive been reading Dobson's Bringing up Boys so I thought Ellis should have some one on one Dad time and learn how to change a battery too!


Anonymous said...

Yum, Yum, Yum! Just wait until he sinks his teeth into Mongtomery Inn Ribs! He will think he has died and gone to heaven.

And about Dobson's book...good tips in that one. Wish I had read it when your brother was small...ha! Just kidding.

Anonymous said... happy that you are acquiring the taste for good rolls at an early go bubba!
And Cassie, Girl, so proud of you for acquiring the bread making talent...I knewyou could do it!!
Dustin wants to know if you signed E up for T-ball yet?
Love yas!