Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I've been trying to get on to post for the last few days but every time that I try it won't let me post any pictures and I just don't think it is as much fun to read the stories without the pictures.
I was telling Trevor the other day that I feel like in the last few weeks Ellis has become so much more independent. Today he climbed up the whole flight of stairs with me sitting behind him. He though it was so fun until he got to the top and turned around. He is getting better at using a cup and has basically mastered it in the bath tub. After every sip in the tub he puts the cup down and smiles with a big red ring around his face from pushing it so hard.

Everytime I go in to get Ellis from his nap now this is how I'm greeted. Don't worry though I always put the railing up I just put it down for this shot so that you could see his face. He is pulling up on everything now, the couches, me, Trevor , the bookshelf and anything else he can find.

These are a few of the girls that were in my small group last year. They love Ellis and he loves them because they spoil him. On this night youth group was over and Ellis decided to show them how much he LOVES mac and cheese.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellis looks so big! Did you get the gates yet? Guess I am going to have to get some for when he comes to Gammy's House in Nov. I guess I should start baby-proofing the house now. Can't wait. Michael and I have lots of plans for him. Maybe he could even stay longer.....