Sunday, October 08, 2006

Lunch with the Glass Family

We have had a crazy busy weekend. Trevor preached today and after church we went out to lunch with the Glass family. Kendra is one of Ellis' favorite babysitters and her son Caleb who is in the youth group is the one that got Ellis those little navy converse looking shoes a while back. We went for Mexican and Ellis was hungry before the food came so he filled up on graham crackers and lemons!!

We got the gate from Ms. Yvonne (thanks a ton!) and it has been a life saver, or should I say a mommy and daddy saver. He didn't like it much at first but he is getting used to it and loves to throw stuff over so I will pick it up and throw it back.

Saturday morning Ellis woke up a little early so we went downstairs in hopes to let daddy sleep a little longer. It was a beautiful morning and when I came downstairs I saw that there were tons of squirrels and blackbirds in ours and our neighbors lawn so I took Ellis out to see. I ran inside to get a peice of bread to feed them and Trevor was up so I asked him to get our picture. He thought it was hillarious because not one animal was interested in my little treat but Ellis sure was willing to eat my little bread balls. I don't think he really caught on to the fact that we were feeding the animals, I guess we will have to go feed the ducks at the pond down the street.

After the birdfeeding we walked to the sports park down the street to watch Aaron's CC meet. Ellis made it throught the girls race but he caught some ZZZs for the boys race. That was okay with us because he was able to get a little nap before we went home for lunch and then headed back to the sports park for another guy in the youth group, Eric's, soccer game. We spent the evening divided between our block party and visiting with Trevor's Longmont mom and dad, Steve and Kelly King.

These last two are just some fun games with dad. A fun car that he likes to b pushed in in the nursery and throwing the soccer ball up the steps and watching it bouce back.


Anonymous said...

I CAN NOT get over how much Ellis has changed and how big he is getting! The animal feeding sounds fun...I am still waiting on the albino squirrel picture.

Wait a are feeding the animals...Ellis and Trevor..LOL

Anonymous said...

bread balls that counds familiar maybe bryce can show him how it is really done michael is pretty good at it now too.

Anonymous said...

His future's so brite......