Thursday, October 12, 2006

Al Lives!

I know you are probably thinking what in the world is this a picture of but just look closely in our neibors bush and you will see a speck of white. I was taking Ellis for a walk last week and as we were coming back to the house I saw a squirrels tail sticking up over our fence that runs along the driveway. As we came around the corner I was getting ready to show it to bug and it startled me. It looked as if someone had picked up this squirrel and dipped it into a can of white paint. I told Trevor about it and we didn't see it again until a few days later. We have be trying to get a picture of Al (thats what we named him) ever since. This is the best shot we have gotten so far, it seems that he is scared of people and if paint is really what happened I can see why!!

Other that the few occasional walks around the block we havent been doing much lately. This is what Ellis has been looking like lately. He has a pretty good cold and seems to have a constant glaze over his eyes and crust under his nose. We are staying in and having soup to make sure that we are better in a few weeks when it is birthday time!!

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