Friday, September 22, 2006

We are still sproting the HERD! yeah yeah yeah we know they got beat here in KS but we still bleed green. I made sure not to take him out much in this outfit because I'm sure we would have heard about it, the people here sure love their team.

Bathtime is still one of our favorite times of day. If he is sitting up in the tub he is usually try to drink out of one of his cups. That is pretty funny but the real fun begins when you lay him down. As soon as his head hits the water his feet start splashing. It is like he is throwing a tantrum in the tub except he is laughing, and I'm the one getting all wet.

Ellis had to have his blood drawn a few days ago. They had to stick him twice and the first time he didnt even cry he just kept trying to get the turniquet in his mouth. The second time he cried because we werer holding him down. They were testing him for lead poisoning becasue we live in an older home. The test came back fine. I guess all of the work we do trying to keep him out of the kitchen is paying off. I heard throught the rumor mill though that there is a gate oming our way soon.


Anonymous said...

All I have to say is...WE ARE MARSHALL!!!

Anonymous said...

I love how long his hair is getting it looks so cut!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am an idiot!!!! cute that ABSOLUTLY did not mean that it needs cut!!!!