Sunday, September 17, 2006

We think that Ellis might be going through a growth spurt soon, he is eating like crazy, pretty soon we aren't going to be able to afford him!! This night he ate a whole banana, a slice of cheese, corn, some peaches and pears, a chicken tenderloin, some of my spaghetti and 2 graham crackers. After he finished the chicken and corn I told Trevor to go through the fridge and see if there was anything we wanted to get rid of. I may start calling him my little catfish, he will eat anything!!

After a dinner like that I thought that we should go for an after dinner walk. As soon as we said walk he started talking really loud.

We ended up walking to the sports park down the street from our house. There was a high school football game going on so we watched a few plays at the gate and then headed home for bath time.

The Broncos (Daddy's team) are playing the chiefs (everyone here's team) today so we are having a watch party for youth group tonight. We put it up on the big screen. Right now we are getting beat but there is still time so hopefully they can pull out a "W".

I fed Ellis dinner during the game and Daddy fed him dessert, his first sucker. He loved it. He kept sticking the whole thing in his mouth pulling it out and then smearing it all over his face.


Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the bakpack!!

I'm telling you he is going to be an endless pit. I think he is going to be tall and thin just like his Mom and Dad. It is hard to fill up those hollow legs!
I am going to have to find something to give him to eat that you haven't given to him yet. I think I will ask Uncle Michael what his favorite special food is and that will be our treat for Ellis when he comes. Right now Michael is into to the cookies that you put in milk....the picture of Vanilla waffers ...on the box front.

Anonymous said...

When ever you decide you can't afford him let me know and I will turn "Cassie's" room into "Ellis's" room on a full time basis. Your mother is always up for another mouth to feed.

That's my boy!!!!

Anonymous said...

well I think that I know what Michael will pick for him to eat. Either ham snd jelly sandwich or salami and jelly GROSS he tried to get everyone to eat that for lunch today!

Anonymous said...

well I think that I know what Michael will pick for him to eat. Either ham snd jelly sandwich or salami and jelly GROSS he tried to get everyone to eat that for lunch today!

Anonymous said...

well I think that I know what Michael will pick for him to eat. Either ham snd jelly sandwich or salami and jelly GROSS he tried to get everyone to eat that for lunch today!

Anonymous said...

well mom's computer hits the bottle too!