Saturday, September 09, 2006

Just in the last few days Ellis has started pulling himself up to his knees. I don't know if this means he will just skip crawling on all fours and just go straight from the army crawl to walking or what but it is nice to see another new trick. I was begining to think I was going to have to change his clothes 4 times a day for the rest of my life. He gets changed so often because he has become our own personal little dust mop. No matter how often and hard I clean the floor Ellis manages to find a little more dirt that he can pick up with his belly.

We have started eating peanut butter and jelly at our house. If only we could get Trevor to like them I could add PB&J to my dinner rotation! Wouldn't that be nice!

We keep finding all of these great things about the house. This morning one of the kids in the youth group, Aaron, had a cross country meet at the sports park and we were able to just roll out of bed, put our rain coats on and walk over to his meet. Ellis loved running around the course in his stroller and his Broncos jacket.

If he keeps following in my footsteps as soon as he looses his baby hair his hair will be just as frizzy as mine was! It was a fun morning and the rain made it a great time for a nap.


Anonymous said...

I am counting down the days until it is birthday week for Ellis. I am wondering if I should go and get some gates because I have a feeling that he will be walking and crawling up the steps by them. Oh, the fun!

Cross country meets...brings back memories. That sports place looked really neat from the trip we will have to take a spin around the track...when it is a little cooler that 110 degrees!

Anonymous said...

Cassie, I have some gates and a wonderful corral that your mom left for me to use. Let me know if you need them. I'll figure out a way to get them to you. Sooner is better than later, he looks like he's going to be going up stairs pretty fast here. Also, on an earlier post: Next summer if you go see your mom, stop in Wisconsin and we'll teach Ellis how to swim in our pool. Michael used to love it.