Friday, September 15, 2006

I was trying to get a picture to show everyone how well we are doing with table foods. Ellis even uses a fork. We tried it because I was giving him peaches and they were so slimmy that he couldn't pick them up so I peirce it and then he puts it in. Then he usually plays until mommy says it is time for another bite.

Trevor and I have a prediction as to what his first word will be, we are thinking "ball." He loves to take it everywhere, he chases it around the room and if we say ball he will start looking for it.

I gave him graham crackers while he was in his exersaucer and he dropped a bunch of crumbs. He had been out for a while and I hadn't cleaned up his mess yet. It was a good thing though because he cleaned it up for me. He would eat one and then twist it around to get another one.

We have been going for a lot of walks lately because the weather has been so great. Today we put him in the big back pack that my parents gave us and he loved it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you beter cosider moving to a farm and growing your own fruits and vegetables. Sounds like the little man is going to be eating you out of house and home. Hopefully your neighbors will raise cattle and you can barter with them.
I'll fill the pantry with all his favorites for the big birthday bash!