Sunday, August 06, 2006

This is Ellis' girlfriend Ellie. She turned one yesterday and the party was a real hit for the love birds!! Every gift Ellie or her mom Holly opened Ellie would clap and look around at her audience expecting them to do the same. Of course, we all complied.

Ellis really didn't watch much of the gift opening he just liked playing with the unopened toys and eating the wrapping paper.

Ellie loved getting to see Ellis again. When they were just little tiny ones in Charlottesville Ellie was the forward one always grabbing for Ellis' hands while they lay on the floor together. As soon as we got there she showed us that not much had changed. She went right for him. Ellis just laughed at her at first but eventually I think he decided that we would much rather her play hard to get.

I think that she liked his buttons. If I had snapped the picture just a few seconds later you would see Ellis on the floor. They may look the same age but youcan tell that she is older, she is just a lot faster than him.

Just wanted to show you that he is starting to try to pull up. Trevor helped him here but when he is in the bath tub or on one of our laps he pulls without getting very far but at least he is pulling. Trevor had a hold of him the whole time he was there but I guess he just wiggled loose and hit the floor.

Don't worry though it was nothing that a little birthday chocolate ice cream couldn't fix. We had a great time at the party and I can't wait until we get to do it ourselves in a few months!


Anonymous said...

speaking of birthdays I think we should put in an order for mt. wash. bakery cake!!!

Anonymous said...

And I second about some thumbprint cookies too?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i love it. thanks so much cassie for throwing ellie on your site; she's pumped! you guys do a really good job of keeping your site fresh, i actually check it a couple times a week now. ellie misses ellis, and is already talking with us about us flying her to see him for a long weekend. we told her we need to pray about it