Saturday, August 05, 2006

We have had it a little rough at our house for the past few days. Ellis has been a little extra fussy and has almost refused to nurse entirely. His six in the morning nursing session was about the only one that lasted for any amount of time without him arching his backing and screaming. I had been attributing it to teeth but when he woke up yesterday morning and refused again I tried to give him formula in a cup and when he wouldn't take that I started wondering if he might have an ear infection I called the doctor and they said to bring him in just so they could rule out the ear infection and then we could go from there. She looked in the ears and saw nothing, and then checked his feet because hand foot and mouth is going around she said. As soon as she opened his mouth she said oh there is our problem both of his top teething are coming in. That is exactly what I had suspected but it made me feel a little better to know that it was nothing else. Today hasn't gone so great either but he does seem a little happier and he has already nursed once.

Our friends Mike and Holly from Charlottesville are here visiting Mike's parents so we are going to go to their daughter Ellie's 1st birthday party tonight. This is a picture that Trevor took of the boys waiting for Mommy to get ready to go to Target to get her gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of daddy and bug! you tell Ellis that those teeth better be in before I get there because there will be no fussing when I am there, only fun!!!!