Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We are back at the church for youth group and Ellis had a good time playing with some of the girls and a few of the sponsers but when he had just had enough I took him out to the lobby and there we found one of his best buds, Isaac. He is only 3 days older than Ellis. I layed out 3 forks and 2 spoons that we had in the diaper bag and they had a good old time.

Along with his spoons and forks another favorite toy is straws. He sits on the floor using his rear as an axle and his legs jut twist him around while he chews.

This is Charlie one of Ellis' favorite guys in the youth group. He likes to watch him play basketball. Charlie is hoping to play basketball for Ozark this year so we will have to make it to see a game or two.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see some pretty good looking boys on this post. And I think I know them both. How are the teeth coming?