Friday, August 18, 2006

Oma and Opa are here!! Ellis is enjoying the extra attention and Trevor and I are enjoying the two sets of extra eyes to watch him. He can get anywhere he wants now and that is generally where we don't want him. He likes cords and Daddy and Opa's computer bags.

Today we went to the mall to walk around and then out to Red Robin for dinner. This morning while Trevor was at work Doug put up our shutters for us. They really make the house look complete and pull the black of the porch all together.

Last night we took them to our favorite mexican place in town and Ellis had a little Mexican of his own, along with a few goldfish. Don't worry this isn't his plate, well I guess my plates are slowly becoming our plates!

Ellis likes to crawl under the coffee table now, it is like his own personal game of hide and seek. He will crawl under and then look up and laugh at you and then "hide" again waiting only seconds to be found. I guess he plays a lot like his cousin Henry "here I am". I'm sure they will catch on sometime. Today after the hide and seek game he found Karen's shoes and that became another fun game. He really likes his Oma, she even lets him chew on her necklace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't tell who is having the most fun...but everyone seems to have all smiles.