Sunday, August 20, 2006

Now that we have moved into the house I have to come to the church to post anything on the blog so Ellis usually comes too. I can tell that this is only going to last so long because now that he can get into everything I am having to get up every few seconds and as my mom would say "divert his attention elsewhere." For now though, we have found something to keep him busy. He likes to sit in front of Trevors metal desk and bang his little heart out. If I don't hear him for a second you can almost bet that he is licking the desk.

After running around all day yesterday with Doug and Karen we were on our way home to put Ellis to bed and discovered that somehow we had lost Ellis' paci. This is not a good thing when it is near bedtime so I searched around in the diaper bag and found this old one that we never really used. It is the Avent kind that doesn't curve around his face and he was so confused. Karen and I laughed the whole way home. He kept turning it around and around, I guess thinking that it felt funny to him because it was upside down. Our laughter helped though because eventually he started laughing too.

Just thought I would show you that the bug really likes to ride on our shoulders now.....and to pull my hair.

I was tryig to show you that we have 4 new teeth now but it didn't quite work. They have all broken through now and about the only way we can see them is if we turn him upside down and "shake out all of the loose change."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see you guys I hope aunt sarah beth can come!!!!!!!