Monday, August 14, 2006

We have had an absolutley crazy last few days. I think that we have been at the church more than we have been at home! Saturday we were there from 9 to 3 for a coaches meeting to talk about all of the activites for the youth in the coming year. Sunday was the back to school bash so we were there from 9:30 in the morning until about 9:30 at night. Ellis was a real trooper. He took a few naps in his stroller and then slept through the whole performance of One Time Blind. During the afternoon he enjoyed a popsicle and watching all of the guys in the dunk tank but mostly just like being inside out of the heat playing with a basketball.

This morning when he got up he was happy as could be and was crawling around everywhere. No matter what I do he wants to go straight to any cord he can find, especially to any that have those warning tags on them. To divert his attention I made a little trail of graham crackers for him to follow. It was so funny, he would scoot to the first one and eat that and then move to the next one until he had eaten all of them.

After his extra long morning nap it was back to the church again to help paint the youth rooms. We left a little early so that we could make it to a doctors appointment. She said he looks great and as soon as all of the teeth she could see come in he will have 8 teeth. Only on of the 4 on top as broken through so far but hey at least we have had some progress. He weighs 18lbs. 8oz. and he is 26in. That is 75% for height and 25% for weight. She said as soon as those teeth come in and he has a little easier time chewing his weight should pick up again.


Anonymous said...


Arden S. said...

hey it's arden!

Anonymous said...

So I must say that your blogs make me want to blog all the time! I love to read them and look at the pictures, even though I get to see you guys all the time! Maybe I'll keep up with mine when I go back to work. I was thinking that we all need to hang out sometime...just a random thought!