Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm not sure how much he ate of this but he seemed to like it. We went to Chili's for lunch on Sunday for Trevor's birthday and the salad that I get there comes with cheese quesadilla triangles. We gave one to Ellis and he loved gumming on it so we took them home and he worked on them the whole next day.

One of the girls in the youth group made Trevor a sign for his office door and added the little princess poster from her chocolate party. Come to find out Trevor added the sign that Jasmine is holding. It says Trevor is Hot Cassie is lucky! The people who saw it thought it was hillarious and Trevor didn't tell us that he added Jasmines sign until after church was over.

Just thought I would add a few other pictures. Ellis has been making all kinds of noises lately but his favorite is that sound all little boys make, I'll call it the boat noise.

Our remote just stopped working the other day so Ellis has another new toy. I'm wondering if this is a bad idea because he may not understand when we tell him later on that he isn't allowed to play with the remote.

We haven't found a place for all of our things yet so most of the things with no home have ended up in the dining room. Ellis' rocker from Pappaw is the only thing that we know goes in there for now and he has been trying it out every once in a while.

All of that would think that we would have two top front teeth to show for it.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, I just noticed the colorful outfit...seems that we have seen that one many times before. I unpacked more boxes today and found lots of good yellow, red and blue clothes hangers. Sarah put them in a box and we are saving them for you. You might consider bringing extra luggage when you come in the fall ;)

Anonymous said...

that big john is such a trickster! how funny!!!! I love the picture of Ellis in the rocker I think it reminds me of good old ollen mills

Anonymous said...

what a cutie