Saturday, July 29, 2006

I decided to pull out some clothes that I had packed away for Ellis a few days ago and I found a few things that should fit him now. I found these Baby Einstein PJs that my Aunt Raree gave me when she first met Ellis. I gave him a bath and decided to try them on him. When I got the outfit on it was so cute that I had to put the hat and socks on too. I held him up in front of the mirror so that he could see and he thought that it was hillarious! He kept laughing and slapping himself on the head. I got tons of great pictures of him. I couldn't believe how happy he was because it was past his bedtime too.

We have finally finished Ellis' room. The red has turned out to be perfect because when I pull the shades in there for nap time it is so dark that you would think it was the middle of the night. He also loves it when we got in to get him when he wakes up, he thinks that pulling the shades is a game. Trevor and I are very proud too because we finally hung the copper airplanes that he and Jeff Marshall made for his room before he was born. It wasn't hard at all. I don't know why we didn't do it sooner, now we just wish the Marshalls could come and see them actually up!!

Ellis and I went out with everyone for staff lunch yesterday to celebrate Trevor's birthday (it is actually tomorrow). He wanted to go to a Mexican restraunt that we had gone to a few days before. We finally found one that is similar to Guadalajara in Charlottesville, they even have burrito delgado.....but here it is called giant burrito and I think this is a much more fitting name! When we got home Ellis helped Trevor open a birthday card from my grandparents, well actually he just ate it.

We worked on the house all afternoon yesterday. Trevor cut the grass and then we painted the porch. We are almost finished with all of the steps. When that is complete I will be sure to post a picture. Ellis got a little restless with all of the work so Trevor pulled his pool out and we went for a swim while Daddy painted. The pool was a house warming gift from our Minister's wife. It has a little slide and everything. I can't wait to see him in it next summer.


Anonymous said...

I love the new pictures! The dragon is the cutest thing I have ever seen! And the pool...wish we had had it last week..would have been in to with Ellis on that 110 degree day. The rest of the rooms look great too. Send more pictures!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He is soooo cute! I love the outfit, your house looks great Cassie, I can tell you have been working hard.


Anonymous said...

that is the ugliest kid that I have ever seen! He looks just like you in that first picture! What a stud in the pool. i am so glad that you have done so much work on the house that means that Sarah and I don't have to help as much not that either of us was actually planning on it. Can't wait to see it!!! Oh Big john how was your birthday? Did anyone call you adn sing real pretty to you?