Saturday, July 15, 2006

We spent the morning getting ready for my parents to come and Ellis wanted to be involved in everything we were doing. Trevor was putting clean clothes away so when he emptied the basket we put Ellis in with a duck washcloth and he was busy for a long time. When he was ready for somthing new Trevor became the voice of the duck. He really liked that. As you can see he just sat back and enjoyed the show.

When my parents got here we showed them around the house and unloaded ALL of the stuff that they brought with them. It was 101 degrees here today so after about a half hour of unloading we were ready to head back to the apartment for showers. Uncle Michael and Ellis took a bath together with a few boats. Ellis must of felt like he was hot stuff because it was his first bath that he actually sat up for. I had tried it once before but that little bum is so slicky that I was afraid we would have another bathtub boo boo. This time we had him sit on a hand towel and there was a lot less sliding around.

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