Monday, July 17, 2006

Yesterday was a very busy day for us, oh and how could I forget, a very hot one as well!! After church we had lunch and went to pick up a few things for the house before we came home for naps. With the temperature at above 103 we thought that no one would show up for youth group but there were a few that proved us wrong so we stuck around and played a few games in the park. Ellis was so hot that I poured water over his head to cool him off and then he had a full popsicle. We also gave him a mohawk that you can barely see in this picture.

Today we have spent the whole day at the house painting. The fridge and dishwasher came today too. Ellis did great. One of us has to watch the boys the whole time and then the rest of us paint. Ellis spent a lot of time in his gym. I think he really likes playing in it right now because he was away from it for so long while we were at my parents.

Michael on the other had has been a little harder to entertain. He has really be a good sport about it all. We packed a "picnic" lunch and he also brought his DVD player with him to the house. I guess you can only watch Bob the Builder so many times until you just have to find something else to do. Michael found painting! Painting was not the first thing we suggested but it was what he landed on. He painted tracks.......(I bet if you know him you could never guess what kind), and then he painted his name.... Michael E. I helped him with the first name but he did the "E" all on his own.

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