Friday, July 14, 2006

Just thought I would give everyone an update since it has been another few days since my last post. Ellis and I left Gammy and Pappy's house on Tuesday. Uncle Micheal didn't want us to go, or if we did go, he at least wanted to come with us. My family is coming tomorrow to help us out and Micheal is signed up to attend VBS at our church. When he heard we were leaving he went and got his clothes and asked mom to get his suitcase because he we ready to got to the Fiesta (VBS) with Big John (Trevor).

We had a 2 hour delay in Louisville because of the rain so my plan for the trip was ruined right from the start. I bought the ticket I did because it fit perfectly with Ellis' schedule. He would eat dinner right before we got on and then be happy on the plane and be ready to sleep in the car on the short ride from the airport home. It didn't at all work out that way but he still did great. He really only cried when we were landing and I think that it was because he had been asleep and then got jolted awake with hurting ears. We ended up getting home around eleven so it was straight to bed for all of us.

Wednesday morning Trevor had to go into the office for a meeting and another appointment but in the afternoon we treked back out near the airport to a huge furniture store to look around. We ended up buying a refrigerator and dishwasher, eventhough we spent most of the time looking for a dining room table. Ellis was so good the whole time but he agian had a late bedtime.

Yesterday Ellis and I helped Sarah, our Children's Minister with some painting for VBS and then a bunch of people from church came over to the house to help us with priming and getting the kitchen ready for its new appliances. Today it is much of the same. Trevor is painting shutters and the front porch and Dale, our Sr. Minister is working on the cabinets and a few other things in the kitchen. Sorry we don't have many pictures of Ellis to view right now he pretty much has to be held when he is in the house so that he doesn't roll into paint or over a nail.

Keep checking back my parents are coming tomorrow so we are hoping to get a lot of things done while they are here to help and I will be sure to get some good pictures then.

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