Monday, June 05, 2006

I didn't take any pictures today so I thought that I would use this one just because it always makes me laugh. I haven't really seen this face since the day that I took it so I don't really know what it means. I just have one story and a little tid-bit too.

Ellis loves to chew on cotton and hold it close to his face. When I put him in his crib I always lay his blanket beside his face because it is so comforting to him. We had a lady from our church watch him a few days ago and she even commented that she thought that his burp cloth was more of a comfort to him than his paci. Tonight when I was getting him ready for bed I had taken his onsie off and it was still laying under his head as I was putting his arms in his pj's. He had been happy and then all of a sudden started crying and I looked up at his head to see what the problem was and he had pulled the onsie back over his head. I'm sure that he was just wanting to chew on it or something but he did not like that it was back over his head. Did I mention that he hates getting his clothes changed. In the church nursery they tell me that they aren't going to change his clothes unless they absolutely have to.

Now for the little tidbit. I'm not sure how we got on this subject but the last time Emmy, Bryce, and I were all together we were talking about how we all have clammy hands. However, we came to the conclusion that Emmy is the worst. Bryce even said that sometimes when she drives you can see the wetness on her steering wheel (she is a very nervous driver). So how does this connect to Ellis you may ask...well I think he may have his Auntie Em beat. He is soooo clammy, even his feet are clammy, and I feel like its a lot of the time. Sometimes when I take him into the bathroom to look in the mirror I will stand him on the counter and he leaves little footprints!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew that little bug wanted to be just like me. What a lucky boy!!! boy is he going to have smelly feet!!!