Sunday, June 04, 2006

Ellis finally took a nap today for me in the nursery so as Sundays go this was one of the better ones. Trevor left for camp after lunch so Ellis and I spent the afternoon taking another nap and just hanging out together. Youth group tonight was at the park that we were at yesterday evening. The kids played ultimate frisbee and a hide and go seek tag game that I had never played before. Ellis loved every minute that we were there. I had thought about just hanging out at home but Im so glad that we went. It was a beautiful evening here and he loved all of the attention that he got. Suprisingly I took both of these pictures at the end of the evening when I would've thought that he would be really grumpy but that just wasn't the case. I just feel like he has gotten so big in the last few weeks. Its a good thing we only have one more week before we see some of you!


Anonymous said...

I can not wait until you get to Cincinnati! What fun we will have.

Anonymous said...

Did uncle Kenny do his hair? That spike in the second picture reminds me a bit of some other little guy I used to know. Let's just hope that the glasses don't make another appearance.