Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ellis and I went to church camp today. It was a pretty cool camp but let me just say that I hope that the WV Baptist Convention knows what they have because of all of the camps I've seen so far not a one can even hold a candle to Cowen....and I'm not just saying that. We left as soon as Ellis woke up this morning and it is now midnight and we literally just got home. We had so much fun that I just had to share before I go to bed.

In the time that it took for me to find Trevor and meet some of the other sponsers there a few girls from our youth group had totally decorated the windows of the dango. I'm not kidding I had been there for maybe 15 minutes and went back to the car to get Ellis' lunch and they had already written on it. This is an ongoing thing apparently because currently we have chalk written messages on our sidewalk from our doormat on out to the street. Trevor tells them that we will be getting them back.

It was a very warm day at camp and unfortunatly I forgot to bring Ellis' cup. I tried to give him a drink from Trevor's nalgene but he was much to eager to blow bubbles. I finally got smart and poured a little into the lid and just let him lap a little water out almost like a dog would do. I don't know that he was truely thirsty. I think that it just became a game but the girls and I enjoyed watching him!

I brought his sandals along with us just for fun. In the afternoon a bunch of the girls and I just sat around and played with Ellis so I thought we would try them on. You would think that I had dipped them in chocolate or something by the way that he chewed on them. He did not like to chew on them if they were off of his feet but let me tell you if they were on his feet then they would also be in his mouth.

Yeah it is a frog....which I think is funny because we sing um ah went the little green frog one day um ah went the little green frog um ah went the little green frog one day and his eyes went um ah too. honk honk went the big mac truck one day. squish squish went the little green frog and his eyes didn't go um ah anymore 'cause he got licked up by a dog (a song I learned at Cowen.) Anyway I'm thinking that I may want to change the words to pull twist went the bug a boo one day.......i dont know??? I don't know that he knew what it was but he really wanted to squeeze it and I'm sure if I would've let him he would have loved to put it in his mouth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure that camp is not as cool as cowen but please at least tell me that they had 4 square. It looks like you guys had a great time. But just remember... don't go near the river!!!!!